
How Much Does Internet Cost Per Month in USA?

How Much Does Internet Cost Per Month in USA?


How Much Does Internet Cost Per Month in USA?

A high speed internet is no longer a luxury item, rather a need or necessity of the many. Observe the current economic climate that the world is engulfed in, the Covid-19 waves have hit the biggest of the big economies hard and it doesn’t seem like a boom in economic performance will take place anytime soon.

Individuals have been forced to work from home and some even laid off, what does that suggest about the spending capacity of these people? Not Good, right? That is exactly why you need to know of the cost of high speed internet from different packages so that you can get a connection that fits the bill you can give.

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Check out how much does internet cost per month in USA –

Below we have a table that shows you which company has the most expensive internet plan, cheapest internet plan and the ranges of megabits per second (Mbps) of all the listed companies.

Service Provider Starting Price* Speed Range
CenturyLink Internet $49.99/month 3 – 940 Mbps
Spectrum Internet $49.99/month 60 – 940 Mbps
Cox Internet $29.99/month 10 – 940 Mbps
AT&T Internet $35.00/month 5 – 1,000 Mbps
Frontier Internet $27.99/month 1 – 940 Mbps
HughesNet Internet $49.99/month 25 – 25 Mbps
Xfinity Internet $24.99/month 15 – 2,000 Mbps
Verizon FiOS Internet $39.99/month 200 – 940 Mbps

Note: All prices and speed ranges were taken on record as of 03/17/2020. Be aware of any additional fees that might apply. Check availability of service in your area of desired connection. Price fluctuations may occur on the company’s discretion, check all information from the official website of your desired company before making commitment.

If we observe the table above, we can conclude that on average $35.00 per month is the asking price of internet providers in the US. However, we also see that on average Americans tend to pay around $60.00 per month for high speed internet broadband services.

Confused about the price jump? Who wouldn’t be.

The main reason for this is the area in which you would like to have the internet connection made. Some areas have prices that go up and above the $100.00 mark per month on some plans. This coupled with overhead chares, installation fees, equipment rental fees and even late payment fees can be responsible for a consumer to face a hefty bill. We definitely don’t want that.

To avoid those unnecessary charges, we should know of all the possible additional expenses that a consumer might face. Read on below and find out.

Additional Expenses That Internet Service Providers Charge?

Not everything you see is what you’ll get and that is exactly the case when it comes to promotional advertisements and the internet service providers market. Fees can vary from area to area, provider and decisions that you might make for yourself in the long run (you’ll understand this better in a while, don’t worry).

Cancellation Fee –

Not completing your end of the contract can result in some really heft fines for you. these fines can go up to hundreds of dollars in value. A few internet providers actually calculate the fine according to how much time is left on your contract and then charge you accordingly. However, we seriously dislike contracts as they can become really restrictive. What if a better option comes around the corner?

What if you get a new job offer in a different state? These decisions can potentially cost you hundreds of dollars and so we recommend not have contracts in place at all. Internet service providers like Verizon, Spectrum and CenturyLink do not have contracts in place and so you won’t have to face cancellation fees once you decide to stop using their internet service.

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Equipment Rental –

These equipment fees are destined to happen if your company does not allow you to get your own equipment. This charge, on average, costs around $10.00 – $12.00 per month, in addition to your already existent bill. There are some internet service providers who offer up free basic equipment with their top tier plans and packages.

That’s great and all but what do you do if you don’t have this option available to you? Well the other solution is for you to look for internet providers who comply with you buying or getting your own compatible equipment. That way you invest a little in the beginning and then after a while you start saving the amount that you would’ve once continuously been paying as equipment rental fees.

FCC Universal Service Fund Fee –

The main feature of the FCC is collecting quarterly fees from internet providers to boost the expansion of broadband towards more and more rural and low income regions. The internet providers simply just take the burden of the deductions and pass it on to the customer’s shoulders. These charges aren’t much and on average cost about $5.00 per month.

Installation and Activation Fees –

The only fees on this list that is a one-time only amount that has to be paid. That being said, these costs can add up to $100.00 to the initial bundle cost. Providers might even waiver off these charges for some customers whereas some might offer you reduced rates if you decide to take up self-installation. Most internet providers also have an activation fee in place, be aware of that.

Late Payment Fee –

If you’re as busy as us, researching and looking up new things to help you the reader out etc. then you’ll know what being late on your bills feels like. The fees vary in each state but some companies have a set amount i.e. $20.00 fee in place for whenever a customer crosses the due date. In the event of disconnection of services due to late payment, the internet provider may even charge a fee for reactivation of your services.

What Is The Right Price To Pay For Internet?

There is no one correct answer to this question. Every household and person has different incomes and households, so one generic answer just simply isn’t enough. It really just depends upon your needs and requirements. Figure that out first!!

The basic internet packages vary in prices but cost about $50.00 a month or less. Internet bundles or packages that offer very high internet speeds with high data caps and everything are obviously more expensive. These packages lie in the range of $60.00 – $100.00 per month.

5 Ways To Lower Your Internet Bill –

Ever seen a bundle, package or plan and loved it so much that you just had to have it but the price tag is just a little too much? Yea we know that feeling too. However, if you just simply work on some of the mentioned things below, we’re absolutely sure that your desired internet plan may just work out for you.

Downgrading –

Simply put, if you can avail the same performance by shifting to a lower internet speed then why not? If you can manage the lower speed, then you don’t necessarily have to pay for a higher package. Assess your needs and make a decision. However, note that you aren’t in a contract before you make this decision as you then might have to face some extra charges, fines or penalties.

Negotiation With The Internet Provider –

A long shot option but it definitely doesn’t hurt to try. Just call your internet service provider up and ask for a reduced rice. Be sure to have knowledge about internet providers who are offering cheaper rates for a similar package etc. Be firm and assertive and hope that the person on the other side of the screen/phone is in a good and caring mood.

Switching Internet Providers –

Just move to an internet service provider that fits your bill. Depending upon where you live, there is always a cheaper alternative around the corner, you just need to look for it.

Get Your Own Equipment –

Perhaps the most convenient and practical solution is to get your own modem/router. This way you save a lot on your monthly rental fees. You might argue that an investment of about $150.00 is a lot but it’s just a one-time investment and you can quickly save this exact amount within a year.

Keep A Check On Your Data Usage –

Another simple way to save on money is to avoid going over your data cap. If you are associated with a satellite internet service provider, then you probably have low data caps to deal with. Keep an eye on your usage so that you avoid paying overhead charges like that.

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