
Technologies That Help An Organization In Engaging Employees

Technologies That Help An Organization In Engaging Employees


Technologies That Help An Organization In Engaging Employees –

Introduction –

Every business is attempting with all the hooks and crooks to make their business processes more efficient and time-saving to gain a better place in the market. Technology is working as a great giant that has revolutionized the traditional working approaches and made them more effective.

It has given a new face to the business world. If such gratefulness is possible by using technology, why not take advantage of it to solve the most severe concern that nowadays every organization is facing. It is none other than ‘employee engagement.’

There are many factors on which the engagement of the workers depends. It includes recognition, company culture, fair payment, learning opportunities, communication channels, and the list goes on. Their engagement with their job is crucial for making the business’s success journey more potent and meaningful. But the statistics for employee engagement by Gallup in 2020 show that only 36% of workers feel engaged with their work.

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To level up this percentage, technology is giving a big hand to all the organizations to make their worker engagement campaign more successful and bright. Multiple technologies are evolved today that share their contribution to engaging the workers more effectively.

To enhance your knowledge about which technologies are helpful for engaging employees and how they do so, refer to this article.

Check out the technologies that help an organization in engaging employees as below:

Many technologies are developed that makes the employee more engaged and productive with their work. Such tools will enhance their performance and will improve their connectivity with the organization. Let us know more about those technologies and their impact on employee engagement by referring to the following points –

1. Gamification As A New Engaging Source –

Applying the gaming concept in the business processes to enhance employees’ experience with their job is an emerging trend that is hugely impacting them. Every worker desires that they get some sort of interactive environment to learn better and execute their tasks. Gamification makes it possible and gets liked by workers to a great level.

Gamifying the workplace will motivate employees to perform best to win in the competitive market. The personnel department known for people management can get maximum advantage by adopting the gamification concept.

Think about the learning and training sessions which is the most crucial stage for the employees to enhance their skills. When the boring and uninteresting sessions convert into the gaming stage where successful completion of the levels gives rewards in return, it converts the sessions into interesting and better learning mode.

Aligning the goals and objectives with the gamification concept makes considerable changes to the employees’ perspective towards their job. When coming to the office and seeing the progress bar, it gives the workers enthusiasm to improve themselves to reach the highest stage of their growth chart.

Just like technology becomes the key to successfully execute recruiting processes similar to that, gamification is now becoming the engaging media for the workers. It develops a new vision to look at the problems and solve them. Such fun creating an interactive environment changes their behavior, improvises their skills, and develops an attachment with their tasks. Psychologically it boosts the workers with more positive energy by using the gaming elements like the scoreboard, badges, points, and growth status.

It enhances their grasping power by making the task more visual and converting it into easy to learn methodology. This will develop their sights and approaches to get the expected results. Summing up all these efforts will surely bring more engagement and keenness in employees workability.

2. Chatbots –

With the development of the virtual assistant, the conversation channel becomes more time-effective and faster. It becomes one of the digital marketing trends that every company is following to catch the audiences’ attraction. Many times due to the absence of the respective individual, the workers get paused in their work. Regular occurrence of such cases affects their engagement in performing the task and results in generating delay, and affects its quality.

Instead of waiting to get the response, if employees get some message like-


How can I help you?

It will give them the assurance that there is someone who can answer their queries. The chatbots provide text messages and, in some cases, in-voice messages too. Based on the data available in the tool, it will give the best suitable response to the worker. Based on the FAQs, the chatbot will scrutinize the most relevant answer.

It also makes a significant difference in the recruitment phase. Look at the following figure, which gives the proof for the same.


Chatbots give them an accessible and interactive platform that becomes the initial phase for building engagement with the organization.

It gives an entirely new face to the onboarding process. As it is the first stage for the newly hired employee to get known to the organization, the HR department must manage it properly. This stage works as an image builder stage in an employee’s mind.

The involvement of chatbots in the hr employee management system will make the work more feasible and effective. As a new hiree, there may be many queries that the employees have. Getting the answer from the human-like device will save the time of the HR team and, at the same time, gives faster and relevant responses to the workers.

3. Leverage M-Learning Concept –

Today’s working culture demands more flexibility and freedom in performing their job. They want a work-life balance where they can equally contribute to their professional and personal life. This necessity becomes more potent in the zoomers’ generation that are the upcoming faces of the organizations. To begin their journey, fulfilling their expectations is one of the best strategies a company can adopt to start their job with better engagement.

Mobile learning is an emerging technology that is developed based on the continuous rise of the usefulness of smartphones. Refer to the statistics shown below that elaborates this concept well.


Using this concept, a new version for completing the training session has evolved. Here they can plan their learning session at their convenience. Pausing and continuing learning as per their schedule is one of the key features of M-learning.

Companies can use this technology for training their remote workers too. It takes a step ahead in making their experience more personalized and exceptional by adopting the micro-learning concept. They can opt for the course that is relevant to them that makes their training straightaway to the point.

Such technology helps them to sync their learning programs along with their firm’s goals. Adding to this, recognition that takes a significant place in the employee engagement chart also fosters using mobile learning. Workers get real-time responses from their trainers about their progress, skill development and provide further feedback to improve them.

Due to such customized workflow, there is a continuous 5% rise in mobile learning annually, making it more learner-focused. This mobile-friendly concept removes the necessity to remain stuck to one device, location, and schedule. It also gives the opportunity to involve social platforms in the learning process.

They can share their thoughts with their peers and actively take feedback from them, making learning more generation-centric. The development of such a collaborative environment enhances the effectiveness of L&D programs, resulting in improving employees’ productivity and engagement.

4. Wearable Technology –

Gone are the days when employees get satisfied by getting a good pay cheque. But now they desire more. That list of desires includes caring for their well-being. Mental and physical wellness are the two robust poles for making employees healthy engagement with their job. When the worker feels happy and gains positivity to work, it surely embraces their health. One can consider health and engagement as going hand in hand for the development of a better workplace.

While developing an employee engagement strategy, must include wellness aspects in it. For helping organizations, wearable technology comes as a doctor that cares for their workers’ well-being. Developing an engaged workforce needs a lot of effort and some sort of investment. The inclusion of wearable devices checkouts workers’ stress levels and determines the status of their health.

Employees just need to wear that wearable device, and the rest of the work is handled by the tool itself. It tracks workers’ blood pressure, heart rate, and exertion level. The analysis of the data provides knowledge of the employees’ health and helps the organization to develop better strategies taking care of employees’ wellness.

Firms that provide wearable tech tools in the workplace found an 8.5% increase in workers’ productivity and 3.5% in their job satisfaction. HR can plan various fitness challenge programs among the workers either in teams or individual departmental. Making such efforts will lead to the development of an inclusive workplace where the staff collaborates well with each other. It motivates them to look for their wellness and results in improvising their engagement and performance.

Wearable technology is contributing a lot to every type of workplace. Consider the case of the exoskeleton used by the workers of Audi. The structure is well wearable, and the best part is it reduces 20 to 30 percent strain on their back muscles. Looking for such solutions for employees’ betterment will lead to the development of a healthy workplace.

5. AI For Everything –

The title itself gives the assurance that artificial intelligence can work in every domain and in solving every problem. For solving the primary concern of employee engagement, AI is making a colossal share. By performing the sentimental analysis, this technology can determine the engagement rate of the workforce. Based on the type of language and emoji they prefer to use in the conversation, AI maps their engagement with their job.

Companies often have a lot of data of the employees, but they suffer in finding its usefulness correctly and timely. This technology filters out valuable data with better precision.

To add one more in this, never getting older technology trend, it has the capability to evaluate the biometric data. Such insight information helps the HR managers to design better engagement strategies.

One crucial aspect that affects the employees’ engagement is the performance metrics. They find biased culture while giving incentives and rewards to their workers. AI gives a solution to this issue as it does not consider this criterion while assessing performance. This real-time assessment satisfies the employees and boosts their morale to scale up their performance, ultimately engaging them more with their work.

Also, AI handles the repetitive and mundane tasks that were the major destroyer of employee engagement and gives freedom to the knowledge worker to become creative with their work. The statistical data for the same is as shown in the figure below –


Conclusion –

While organizations think to make their employees tech-savvy, why not utilize those technological aspects to make them more engaged with the job that ultimately motivates them to become more potent to perform well. Refer to the technologies as mentioned above that work adequately to improve employee engagement and adapt them accordingly for better development of the workers that ultimately helps the organization reach more heights.

Author Bio –


Meet Vara is a passionate content writer and an avid reader, having expertise in creating various ideas for creative writing. He is passionate about researching and exploring blogs, checking out the latest trends, and replicating his expertise in crafting exclusive content. His approach and readiness towards writing quality content are exceptional.

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