Social Media Marketing

How to Improve Instagram Marketing to Boost Email Engagement?

How to Improve Instagram Marketing to Boost Email Engagement?

instagram for business

If you want to boost your email marketing campaigns and its engagement then you must use and improve your Instagram marketing campaign. Both these platforms have their signature features and benefits individually but when you combine the two, the power will be even more and the outcomes will be more productive.

Today, social media is the most important platform for businesses to promote their brands, small or big. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr, you will find a lot of business on these platforms. These platforms, with the power and features of its own will help you to find better opportunities to gain more revenue for your business and gain more leads through your email marketing campaigns, if integrated well.

Especially Instagram has got immense marketing utility due to:

  • Its exclusive nature of being a photo and short video sharing app
  • It’s a large number of active monthly users with more than 80% of them, logging to it daily and
  • Its exceptional power to get the visitors engaged with the content.

Therefore, fashion or retail business, it is time to integrate Instagram with email marketing to make the most out of the combination of traditional and modern marketing strategies.

Also Read: How to use Instagram to increase your Business Sales?

Improve your Instagram marketing –

There are lots of ways and tools that you can follow and use to improve your Instagram and email marketing strategies. Of course, you can leave it all to the experts like Gramista and enjoy the benefits but it is always better to be knowledgeable about these tools and processes to follow.

If you want to use Instagram in a best possible way to boost email engagement then you will first need to make some tweaks in your primary digital marketing techniques so that you can expedite the process. This will help you in many different ways such as:

  • It will help you to understand quickly the flaws in your techniques and make necessary amendments to make the most out of it.
  • You will also come to know about the different definitions and recommendations of different resources, blog, and articles that will enlighten you about the latest strategies and trends, the best practices to follow and the latest statistics.

When you follow these and work accordingly you will be able to make the most out of the younger audiences commonly found on this platform. All consumer marketers must focus on their demands so that they can reach to a wider section of their audience fast.

Integrating email marketing –


There are a few specific ways in which you should integrate your email marketing efforts with social media to gain the maximum possible benefits, rather than using each as a standalone strategy.

If you leverage both in conjunction it will help you to attain even more benefits such as:

  • Expanding the reach of your campaigns.
  • Recognizing the leaders in the industry and
  • Gaining more subscribers on your email list.

Email marketing as always is still the most valuable tool for lead generation, customer acquisition and nurturing. Adding Instagram to it will only help you to reinvent the immense marketing opportunities of social media. This will, in turn, help you to take your business growth to a new height.

In addition to that, such integration will also help you to enhance your marketing metrics which will, in turn, help you to share your emails on social media. This will, in turn, help the readers to share it more easily. This, in the process, will increase your chances to gain better openings and click-throughs. Increase the conversion and open rates of your email marketing campaigns.

Examples of intense Instagram marketing –

The internet itself will help you a great deal in your Instagram and email integration. You can take a cue from some of the best and high-profile accounts in your specific business niche that will help you to capitalize your target audience the most and in a best possible way.

Instagram, as you may know, that since its launch it has been the best and most redefined platform that promotes social-media engagement.

This platform allows social marketers to:

  • Gain new territories of the market
  • Set new goals
  • Conquer the competition and
  • Ensure the success that has so long been elusive.

All you need to do is follow a more detailed and precise approach to target the right audience and make the best impression with or without the help of the eminent influencers or even spending millions of dollars for your marketing campaigns, Instagram or email. It is your approach and the way that you master the craft that will ensure perfection and success from the combination of email and Instagram.

If you take a cue from others you will know how exactly you can make the perfect combination of stories and live interactive posts. You will also be able to give your posts a personal touch.

A few additional benefits –

Integrating social media and email marketing is probably the easiest way to reach out to a larger audience more comprehensively. In addition to that, combining your social media efforts with email marketing strategies will take you a long way in other areas as well helping you to achieve your online marketing goals.

  • One of the most significant benefits of such combination is that you will be able to invite a larger number of email subscribers as well as enable them to get connected to you through your social media profiles.
  • Apart from extending your email reach and knowing the key influencers, you will also be able to use different data that will make your emails more dedicated and result-driven which will help you to grow your subscriber list much easily.
  • You will have an additional platform to engage with your customers and gain the benefits and opportunities of two different platforms. This will also add to your outreach and engagement with your subscribers and customers.

This will also improve your messages and provide your email subscribers with different options to get engaged with you. Therefore, given the current business marketing environment, it will be unwise to limit your potential by not integrating emails and Instagram marketing.

Author’s Bio –


Pete Campbell is a social media manager and has immense knowledge about email marketing and Instagram promotion. He delights his clients at Gramista by helping them buy real Instagram likes. He loves to travel, write and play baseball.


Also Read: How to boost E-commerce website sales with Instagram feeds?

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