Social Media Marketing

Which Social Media Marketing Platform Gets Highest Customer Responses?

Which Social Media Marketing Platform Gets Highest Customer Responses?


Which Social Media Marketing Platform Gets Highest Customer Responses?

Did you know that the average response rate for email surveys is 24.8%? For telephone surveys, the number goes down to 8-12%. 

No matter which platform you use, survey response rate is always at a low. Even if we look at the social media survey response rates, it differs from platform to platform. Whether you take up Twitter or Instagram or Facebook, you’ll see different results every single time. 

Although conducting surveys is one of the best ways to increase your social media engagement with your followers, it is also crucial to know how to do it for each platform.

Also, surveys are the best form of social media marketing as it helps businesses to connect with their customers more naturally. Many brands use surveys for measuring customer experience to build a customer experience scorecard. But, there is a trick and a downside here. People generally don’t like taking surveys. 

As per the reports on social media surveys, 52% of the people try to wind up a survey within three minutes, and 80% of the people abandon a survey halfway through if it appears to be too long. As such, social media platforms are the best way for customers to take a survey as they spend a lot of time on social media platforms (about 136 minutes per day as per Statista). 

Here, surveys sweetly make their way into the social media feed, and customers can fill it without spending much time. Further, surveys, when done on social media, give the best customer experience measurement.

Also Read – 9 Best Tips To Promote your Business through Facebook Marketing 

The success of a social media survey campaign lies in the content that you create. If you understand the importance of customer experience then you should know that entertaining questionnaires and simple answers, along with a reward for filling in the survey, can almost lure all your customers. Hence, there is a unique link between customer surveys and social media platforms. If you need a good response from people, social media is the best for surveys.

Let’s find out which Social Media Marketing Platform Gets Highest Customer Responses and also analyze different social media platforms to know how to create & advertise surveys and also improve survey response rates.

Facebook –

Creating a survey on Facebook is the easiest. On Facebook it’s known as a ‘Poll.’ 

Steps to Creating a ‘Poll” on Facebook:

  • Go to the post section that says, ‘What’s on your mind?’ 
  • Click on the three small dots on the right bottom corner of the post section 
  • Click ‘Poll.’
  • Fill in your survey questions and answers and all other information for the poll. (check out this huge list of survey question examples here)
  • The last step is to create a run duration for your poll that gives enough time to customers to react. 


Your survey is live for your users.

Now, you can advertise your survey on Facebook to reach more people and a better-targeted audience. For example, if you are a shoe brand and you need to undertake the social media marketing for your new hiking shoes line using a survey, you can create a poll for different kinds of hiking shoes and then advertise the poll to an audience whose hobby is trekking or hiking. 

This can easily be achieved on Facebook using the Facebook Ads Manager. You need to create an account on Facebook Ads Manager if you don’t have one already and click on ‘Create’ to start with your survey advertising campaign. Next is to create a goal for your campaign, and Facebook has created a smooth workflow for it. You can choose between various options there like traffic, social engagement, and video views.


Pro-Tip –

It’s advised to keep them simple to understand for better response and results. You can use various customer experience metrics (CX metrics) and frame them into proper questions to put them into a survey. This is by far the best way to measure customer experience. You can also add illustrative photos and GIFs to make it more eye-catching. 

Twitter –

Creating a survey on Twitter for social media marketing is equally easy. 

Steps to Create a Poll on Twitter:

  • Create a new post 
  • Change the type of post to ‘Poll’ by clicking on the icon with three bars. 
  • Type in your questions and answers and fill in an introduction. 
  • Set the poll length 
  • Click ‘Tweet’.

Next comes advertising your survey on Twitter. Choose the tweet (poll) to promote and click on the activity icon. Click on ‘Promote this tweet.’ Select the location you want to target by filling in the options of state, province, region, or metro area. 

Now select your budget and enter your payment information. Confirm your payment and sit back and relax while your poll reached a much larger and targeted audience in real time. You can go to to see the advertisement results from any old tweet.


Pro-Tip –

Unlike Facebook, Twitter doesn’t provide an image or a GIF option. The only way to beautify your content is by using emojis. Add emojis and make sure you beautify your surveys to encourage customers to take surveys. 

Instagram –

On Instagram, you simply need to upload or take a photo or a video and select the poll sticker and place it on your photo or video. Type in your questions and answers, click send to and choose your story. 

Instagram offers different kinds of posts that you can promote, including:

  • Story Ads
  • Photo Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Carousel Ads, and
  • Collection Ads

The easiest way to run a promotion is to use the option that is there within the app. Just select the post you want to promote and see the tracking using the ‘View Insights’ option. Another way is to use the Instagram option on Facebook Ads Manager. You can set up ads, make changes, and see results for all Instagram ad campaigns.

This is an example of how the renowned retailer Target pulls traffic from Instagram to its website using Instagram polls:



Create polls on stories and publish posts – this way you can ensure customers give accurate and instant survey responses. Also, posting about the survey on your Instagram handle gives them an idea to reply on your story asap.

How to get the best out of Social Media Surveys?

  • For more accurate results, it is best to wait until the end of the campaign duration. 
  • Keep the questions at minimal since that is what gives the best responses. 
  • You may consider publishing the poll on one social media site and cross-publishing it on other social platforms as well. 
  • You can also send it to your email list. 
  • If results are not as expected even in the end, the next option is to consider rerunning the survey ad campaign. This time it’s best to get an expert’s help so that your ad money is not burned out. 
  • Some customers take up surveys only if a promotional item like a coupon is attached to it. So, consider that option too. 

Once you have obtained the results that you need, you can use the customer insights to improve the way you do business. Give the customer the best they want, based on the survey insights, and they will keep coming back to you.

Helping your brand become more interactive and approachable, Surveys can serve as one of the best in customer experience measurement tools, so use them wisely.

Which is the best platform for Social Media Survey Advertising?

Instagram has outweighed Facebook, with around 500 million active users monthly. It boasts about the highest engagement compared to all other social media platforms, i.e., 58% more than Facebook and 2000% more than Twitter. 

Though creating, publishing, and managing ads is easy on Facebook, reach, and engagement levels are much higher on Instagram. As per the reports from big brands, Victoria’s Secret gets 2,078 likes per post on average on Facebook when the same touches 283,030 on Instagram. 

Other brands like McDonald’s, Mercedes Benz, and Playstation have similar stories to tell. The cost of Instagram advertising is almost the same as Facebook, i.e., $5 per thousand impressions (CPM). 

Social Media Marketing: Do it Right Everytime –

No matter how full-proof your social media strategy is or which platform you use to promote your brand, product, or service, it is essential to engage with customers too. The best way to connect and engage with customers is by talking to them! Asking them for their feedback and what they would like to improve in their customer journey. 

For that, you must deploy a tool such as ProProfs Survey Maker that makes it easy for you to create and share surveys. It also helps in monitoring customer survey responses on a single platform. Also, with a tool in place, you can brand your surveys and also calculate your NPS score. This way, you gain insight into your customers and know how they perceive your brand.

Customer experience measurement metrics can be interestingly placed into surveys and published on social media platforms naturally. Instagram tops the list when compared to others as it has the highest engagement rates. Be sure to create insightful and optimized surveys as they are essential to ensure customers respond.

Also Read – How to use Instagram to increase your Business Sales?

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